Sunday, December 14, 2008

They always say time flies!

So-my baby is three now!! It's amazing to me because we have an entirely different life too. It's almost surreal, as I'VE become such a big girl as well!! Once I showed him how to make three with his finger, he was delighted to pose for me!!

We got the dogs new jingle bell collars for the season. I'm not sure how long I can stand it, but the kids think it's great when Haan shakes rally fast and sounds just like Santa! Haan is not so amused, Buttons tolerates it.

I've been creating, trying to finish gifts that need to be made. Plans changed a little, but I'm content with the outcome. No calandars as I had planned, but oh well. My big sis buys for all of us and doesn't have children herself, so the little "Bea's Mom" necklace is for her. Beatrice is her beloved doggie and becuase she is a Dr. I kept it simple. The black and green button necklace is for my BFF Chrissy. She doesn't adore the rings as I do but I think she'll have a hard time not loving this-especially with the dog house charm I added!!

I hope that all of your holiday prepartions are progressing well. I've got some more stuff to accomplish, check back soon!!



Anonymous said...

I have to have copies of my Jollan!!! He is still as sweet as ever. He looks like such a big boy..
Miss ya guys..