HOLLAN! My 'baby' turned 2 today! We had previously celebrated with a party on the 2nd. Because my sister and I were due on the same day, Styker and Hollan are very close-so they had a party together. It was 2-2-2, 2 boys turning 2 on the 2nd. But that was then-and now it's official. We grabbed a book at Wal-Mart and he got a new pair of shoes for todays gifts. All of the others he had been opening, so far his fave being Aunt Gina's Duplo blocks! We also got a cookie cake-I LOVE THOSE-and apparently Hollan really does too. He kept asking for more and I gave in. The sugar rush hit shortly after and he almost saw the end of his birthday, as it apporached midnight! I cant believe its been 2 years already-time really does just fly by.
Chrissy took Jace and Aubrey to church, as usual for Wednesday night. I asked her to stay for inspiration, as I finished Aubrey's baptism layout. We are practicing catholisisim (sp) but because I was raised so devout (we were Catholic family of the year in the 80's) I had to have my babies baptized and appointed God-parents. We were all done by the same priest! -Wait, given todays society, I'd better reword that. All of us were baptizied by Father John. And I'd gotten an e-mail from Creative Concepts editor stating that they were creating a book about scrapping your faith and did I want to send somthing in for review. Anyway-she had my e-mail addres entered incorrectly and I didn't get it until a few days ago and the deadline is the 14th! So I've been stressin and with Chrissy's oversight and support, I finished a double layout, and-it's all right. We'll see what they say. I may try to do something else tomorrow-just to increase my chances. Anyone wanna come over and inspire me? The invites open-just reply!
4 months ago
Hey Brynn,
Hollan is my baby not yours!!! Hahahaha. Well, I'm coming to your house today, so I hope your ready to crop!
Love ya,
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