Hello loyal readers. I hope your Christmas went well. Did you sing Happy B-day to Jesus? We do that sometimes. What? My kids are 6 and under. Presents were wrapped and food was prepared and we arrived to each destination safely. The van was acting up but I think a little Heet did the trick. My grandma Belvas ham was the etible highlight. My Making Memories Carousel and stacker, my camera, and the huge crock pot grandma Ruth got me were my gift highlights. But my fave gift of the year is usually my husbands gift. I have gotten a piece of jewelry every year thus far and this year we got into quite the tiff Christmas Eve. He went especially overboard and apologized quickly, presenting me with a five diamond necklace and earring set! He wasnt immediately forgiven-the cut was deep-but it certainly helped! The kids were overdone-as usual-and had many favorites! We have one more Christmas event at my moms this Sunday. We have to wait for my Vet sis to get in from K-State. I still have a gift for Gina and her daughter-and then we'll be complete! I am preping for homeschool and cleaning up the aftermath. I am duplicating my published CD calender for a January class at Scrappin Time and there are a few things I'd like to send for possible future publication. So-it seems the year will be ending busy! What was your favorite time this holiday? Leave me a comment so I'll know. I don't have a prize to give you-but you'll be in my prayers!
Until next time........
4 months ago
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