My uncle Shawn has been in the hospital. He went in for a quad bypass and his heart coulc not withstand the the surgery. He died on the table and they brought him back. He then began bleeding out after he had been closed, so they re-opened to correct. A few days later, expected brain damage from oxygen loss and in a coma. Now, at 1 week, they found out he had stroked during surgery and they are doing an additional eeg. If there is no progress they intend to take him off of the full life support he's been on.
He has just recently come into his own in his 50's. He married my aunt Merry last summer. They have both never had a happier time in their lives. I have enjoyed spending time with them as a couple, they are familt to be proud of.
We could really use your extra prayers. I will keep you updated as I am.
In other news, everying is healthy here! My house is getting along great. I have started spring cleanig early. My cabinets are getting wiped out and purged! It feels great. I LOVE A CLEAN HOUSE!
My husband and I have been like newlyweds lately. Sweet to each other and understanding. IT is phenomonal and I hope it continues.
I hope all of you are doing well. I think of you often. Really-I do. Alicia, Tracey, Gina, Liz, Michaelle (however you spell it ;), Jennifer(s), etc.! Thanks for checking on me!
4 months ago
So soorry to hear about your uncle. I guess the best way to look at it is that he had a great year with his new wife and you all had a really good quality time with the both of them together. If you need anything please give me a call.
Glad everyone at home is feeling better.
So sorry to hear about your mom. I'll be keeping you and your family in my heart and prayers.
Let me know if there is anything you need.
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