Hello fellow stalkers. Sorry its been so long. I adore you all and appreciate your loyalty. Are you joining me for Crop Camp? It's my first time. I'm massagin' and teachin' too! More to follow......
Monday, March 31, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
Flattered to be tagged
Ten things about me. Right?!
1. All of my sisters and I have names that start with Br. Brea, Brenee', Brynn, Brandis, and Brayla.
2. My daughter goes by her middle name of Aubrey, her first name is Brenne' after my sister that past away.
3. My sisters and I all have matching tattoos of a butterfly with our names in it.
4. I am very similar to A. Day in the fact that I cannot stand to wear shoes (though I love the styles), prefer french pedis, and despise thong underwear.
5. I have done the mayors make-up. (Yes-current, and I have pictures)!
6. I sold Slumber Parties for 3 years.
7. Growing up, I wanted to be a nun.
8. We were Catholic family of the year in the 80's.
9. I was severelly abused (physically, verbally, and sexually) for a period of several years for which I have no memory.
10. I am secretly a lesbian
NOT!! In all actuality, I can hardly stand my own "girl stuff," let alone anyone elses.
Ok. My real #10. I have never experimented with drugs, nor do I drink. Though I'm ok with the idea of both.
Posted by Flair Girl at 11:44 AM 2 comments
Friday, March 14, 2008
Was to be for a contest....
Posted by Flair Girl at 7:27 PM 3 comments
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Posted by Flair Girl at 8:40 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
My proposed Crop Camp layout
So I have purchased the scan-and-stitch program but it is not cooperating well. I cant seem to do the entire image and they're too big to e-mail. Any help ladies?
I have almost confirmed that I am doing pedicures for ganza. I will be in charge of all the frills! I have started gathering things and am looking forward to it. There's a CTMH contest deadlind of March 15th and I really want to participate. However, my spillimg my Coke on page 1 did not help. So we'll see.
I'll be at the store today-hopefully storing/filing photos. Stop by if you get a chance!
SUCK! It has been trying to upload my images and it's not coming through. They are bot 16MB if that means anything! What can I do?!
Posted by Flair Girl at 11:34 PM 2 comments
Monday, March 10, 2008
Would you go to my funeral?
With all the saddness, I can't help but wonder who would show up to my funeral. Would there be a lot of flowers-or just a few. And the thing I'd most want to know.....What would be said? If there were to be an open podeum and attendees were asked to share their favorite thoughts and moments of/with me, what would they be? Maybe I could have one of those 'funerals while you're alive" type of deals, we'll see!
Posted by Flair Girl at 4:33 PM 4 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Even rougher
My uncle passed away today. They removed all of the machines at midnight and it took 7 1/2 hours for his body to give (and NOT peacefully as they had said). I am very sad but have managed to avoid it with some retail scrap therapy.
I'm going to check in on the WIKI and head for bed. Please continue to keep us in your prayers during the next few days. I guess that goes without saying for my blog-stalk friends. So, thanks gals.
Posted by Flair Girl at 9:59 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
A little rough
My uncle Shawn has been in the hospital. He went in for a quad bypass and his heart coulc not withstand the the surgery. He died on the table and they brought him back. He then began bleeding out after he had been closed, so they re-opened to correct. A few days later, expected brain damage from oxygen loss and in a coma. Now, at 1 week, they found out he had stroked during surgery and they are doing an additional eeg. If there is no progress they intend to take him off of the full life support he's been on.
He has just recently come into his own in his 50's. He married my aunt Merry last summer. They have both never had a happier time in their lives. I have enjoyed spending time with them as a couple, they are familt to be proud of.
We could really use your extra prayers. I will keep you updated as I am.
In other news, everying is healthy here! My house is getting along great. I have started spring cleanig early. My cabinets are getting wiped out and purged! It feels great. I LOVE A CLEAN HOUSE!
My husband and I have been like newlyweds lately. Sweet to each other and understanding. IT is phenomonal and I hope it continues.
I hope all of you are doing well. I think of you often. Really-I do. Alicia, Tracey, Gina, Liz, Michaelle (however you spell it ;), Jennifer(s), etc.! Thanks for checking on me!
Posted by Flair Girl at 10:16 AM 2 comments