This is the surprise mail I got from Julie a few days ago! I was just delighted! I LOVE getting things in the mail (other than bills)! See that little fox?! He's just too cute! And look at all the extras! Thanks Julie; you're a dear. I hpsted a 'Slumber Party' Sunday evening. My friend Peggy sells these loving products. Here, you will see Leona, Ang and I modeling our wine rings! Ang, Brandi and Leona are here concentrating on their treasures.
I have other pictures, but they're not really appropriate! Katelyn made an interesting Rice Krispy treat sculpture and we ended up at Danielee's becuase my daughter was sick-long story.
Before we began the party-we had a little piercing party at my house! I had the gun out and we went to town with our cartilage! (Can't you tell how much they're enjoying it)!
Buttons borrowed Audrey's hair bow for awhile. Darling.
Pie enjoyed her cake-alone-in the corner! She's so cute. *note the cake on her leg too! LOVE HER!