Hey there! We've got a LOT to catch up on. I haven't blogged in 2 weeks becuase we took an impromptu trip back to Kansas for what ended up being 10 days! My husband was offered this for work, and with all expenses paid, we returned to see family! And.....while we were there, look what we fond out!!!..... Yep. Baby #4 will join us next February!! I am SO excited. And-I may have gon a LITTLE overboard on the confirmation-but my mother-in-law gave me a hard time about the 'cheap' test I took first, so-I just wanted to be sure! lol
We let it process a few days and then shared the news. The kids are beyond excited, already making plans to share their toys! Today, I am 6 weeks pregnant, and feeling like I'm 4 months. No morning sickness, but I am tender, and expanding, and loving it! And it got even better when my husband surprised me yesterday with the 'Cherished' pregnant woman Willow Tree figurine for my collection! The thoughtfulness and love overwhelmed me. I am so thankful to the Lord for him. Now-take a second and we'll move on!
My dear blogger friend Julie accepted my donation offer and sent a lovely paper package. Thank you Julie. You are appreciated and treasured. Here's to YOU and your consistency, friendship and success. :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
My NM-BFF Brandi was kind enough to house sit and take care of the animals. I am so VERY grateful she's a part of our lives. She loves cupcakes so I found some great Doodlebug cupcake papers and embellishments, plus a pink CHI iron and a bottle of Cupcake Wine! It's the least I could do for all she has done. It's not nearly enough though-how do you express your absolute AWE for the people God has placed in your life? Scrapbook supplies just don't cut it-ya know?! And not only her-but the previously mentioned, and Chrissy, Danielle, Katelyn, Michielle, Hueslman, my sisters, ....I could go on and on. I am so blessed. I am so very thankful for each person and think about them. Am I rambling?! It's gonna be one of those! lol
I have unpacked everything and returned it to it's place, except for Chris' suit case. I kept thinking he'd unpack it but it's still sitting here! lol. I have hundreds of pictures that need to be filed, I'll try to share some more later. I suppose I ought to feed these kiddos lunch-and me too! The way I'm feeling, I expect to find out I'm carrying more than 1 little miracle!
*THANK YOU DEAR LORD for absolutely every person you have blessed me with in this amazing life you allow me to lead. Please protect us, and continue to shed your love on us.
In your name I pray, AMEN.
CONGRATS!!!! HOW EXCITING!!!!!! :):):):):):):):)
Sooooooooooooooooo glad U got the package...and hope that it was good enough!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):)
Boy, I get blamed for everything!!! I didn't tell you to go out & spend OVER a hundred dollars on tests. Especially since you were going home & would see your Dr. the next week...
So, accept the blame yourself!
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